Consider Staff Augmentation or a Recruitment Agency
Human resource personnel know that when time is critical, they may have to step outside of their normal recruitment strategies and find another avenue to land the most qualified candidate.
Consciousness of the Capital and Labor Markets
Staffing augmentation consultants understand the real job specifications, as well as the hiring manager’s concerns. Corporate recruiters do not always have the time to do this. For those positions with unique skillsets that are hard to fill, corporate recruiters refer candidates based solely on their KSA’s (knowledge, skills, and abilities), compensation, and experience to eliminate candidates. I have several human resource colleagues who have stated that they often do not speak to the hiring manager about culture, job fit, and team dynamics. Why? Several reasons: logistics, location, busy schedules, and often times if they do talk, there is a problem with filling the position. On the other hand, recruiting firms build and maintain contact regularly with the hiring manager to understand their talent needs.Active vs. Passive Talent
Staff augmentation consultant networks have a wider grasp than company job boards or your company brand recognition. Plain and simple—some candidates are hard to find. In my experience, sometimes the best candidates for opportunities are passive, currently employed candidates. They are not actively posting their resume on all job boards. They may tell a colleague at a different company out of state to look into a new job opportunity, but for the most part they are already gainfully employed on someone else’s clock. If they are not responding to your well-written job description through Simply Hired, Indeed or Zip Recruiter, then how can you determine if they are interested in the position with limited time and days to fill the role? Staffing firms know how to contact the candidates who would be at the top of your list if they were actively looking. By using network lists you can fill positions with unique skill set requirements that would likely be twice as difficult for your in-house team or hiring manager.Quality vs. Applicants
Early on in my human resource career, I would post a job, wait, and move on to the next job. I would check back on my posting to see how many people had applied. Often times, there would be 20, 30, maybe 80 people to apply within a four to five day timeframe. I would be so excited, but once I began the review process, there were plenty of no’s, some not in this lifetime, 2-5 maybes, and the others were just applying for anything. Dejected, puzzled, and confused are several words to describe my sentiment at that time. I questioned myself, Matthew did you write an accurate job description? Your post said seven years experience with a Bachelors degree, and you have 20 people applying with a high school diploma who have never had a job.
Training and Skill Set
Recruitment and staff augmentation service firms are used for a variety of reasons— to conduct performance management, compensation, training/development, and other human resource functions. Recruitment firms usually find candidates with the necessary skillsets. Global talent shortages will hinder company growth throughout different industries, and staff augmentation services are a very flexible solution to combating these shortages in all industries throughout the United States and worldwide.ABOUT CATMEDIA:
CATMEDIA is an award-winning Inc. 500 company based in Atlanta, Georgia. Founded in 1997, the company specializes in advertising, creative services, media production, program management, training, and human resource management. As a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), CATMEDIA provides world-class customer service and innovative solutions to government and commercial clients. Current CATMEDIA clients include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).Stay Connected with CATMEDIA: For more information, please visit CATMEDIA.com Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter