In order to be a successful business, you must know how to market and advertise your company as well as the product or service you want to sell. The first step would be to understand that marketing and advertising your business are two completely different processes that entail very different work and expertise. There seems to be a lot of confusion between marketing your business and advertising its products or services. The purpose of this post is to help clear up any confusion that may be surrounding what it means to market and advertise.LET’S CLEAR THE CONFUSION
The main reason many people mistake marketing and advertising as being the same has to do with the fact that advertising is part of the marketing plan. If you are familiar with the four P’s of marke![ball-163345__180](
Advertising agencies are made up of expert employees who work closely with a client to help implement their marketing strategies to the targeted public. Advertisements come in all forms and on all different mediums such as print, radio, television, Internet, billboards, etc. This is where knowledge of the target audience is extremely important so that an advertising agency knows which medium an advertisement will flourish on. If the target audience happens to be men, ages 50-70, then print ads in a newspaper would probably be best, but if it were men, ages 15-25, then commercials on television or ads on Facebook would have a better reach, which brings me to my next point- online marketing and advertising.ONLINE MARKETING & ONLINE ADVERTISING: EITHER WAY, IT’S ONLINE
Online marketing and online advertising are interchangeable, unlike the actual terms themselves. Online advertising uses promotional marketing messages to reach consumers. This is oft![laptop-1031224__180](
As you can see, there is a lot that goes into the marketing and advertising process that would take pages and pages to explain in full detail So, hopefully this simple and brief break down of the two terms has helped clear any confusion about what it means to market and what it means to advertise. Although they may be different terms that involve different work, both have the same objective to promote and sell.MARKETING AND ADVERTISING IN ATLANTA: CATMEDIA
Being a company that specializes in the marketing and advertising sector, CATMEDIA knows the importance of a client’s need for these processes. We are an agency located in Atlanta, GA. and understand how crucial it is to make sure that our clients, (here in Atlanta or in other locations) are getting the proper marketing and advertising strategies. Whether by implementing a social media marketing plan, designing a logo, branding, creating platforms for information visualization and data analytics, or offering search engine optimization services- CATMEDIA can help your business thrive. REFERENCES-
CATMEDIA is an award-winning Inc. 500 company based in Atlanta, Georgia. Founded in 1997, the company specializes in advertising, creative services, media production, program management, training, and human resource management. As a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), CATMEDIA provides world-class customer service and innovative solutions to government and commercial clients. Current CATMEDIA clients include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).Stay Connected with CATMEDIA: For more information, please visit Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter