Always Perform a Target Market Analysis
Before even attempting to develop a marketing plan or communicate with your audience, a target marketing analysis must be performed. In fact, many marketing experts would say it’s the most important step in the process. A target market analysis involves asking some very specific questions about your audience. For instance, what is the average age of your audience? Is it made up of both men and women? What are their ethnicities? Where do they work? What is their education level? Even more so, what is an average day for them like? Without building an awareness and understanding of this information, companies will be ill equipped to market to or even communicate with their intended audiences. Successful marketing campaigns must always begin with a target market analysis.Determine How Best to Reach Your Target Market
Once you understand your audience, it’s important to take it a step further, and determine the best way to engage them. Let’s start by considering the age of your audience. If your market consists of recent retirees over the age of 55, social media engagement may not be the way to go. Yes, digital marketing is the future, but don’t go abandoning those traditional marketing methods just yet. In doing so, you just may abandon your target audience all together. Take the time to carefully consider and identify ways to capture your audience’s attention. Think about what would be most effective. Perhaps your target audience is one that would still be captivated by a handwritten note. What about a brochure or even a phone call? Regardless of what is trending or most popular, you should always consider your target demographic first. Always determine the best way to reach your audience before taking the next steps.Investing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Developing Impactful Content
No matter how instrumental SEO is in driving traffic to your website, it won’t make much of a difference if you don’t have anything compelling to say once your visitors get there. This is when content marketing comes in to play. Your online content should specifically address the questions and concerns of your target audience, and clearly demonstrate that your company has the knowledge and expertise necessary to provide the solutions being sought out. Once there is relevant content on your website, the next step would be to ensure you are not creating any additional work for your visitors. Make sure your contact information is accurate and easy to find, so that those who visit the website can reach out to further discuss your company’s capabilities. Provide links to your social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn to boost content shares and further expand your company’s reach. In today’s market and even into the future, it is absolutely critical to have a single view of your target audience across all channels. This will provide the customer intelligence needed to create impactful campaigns and heighten their customer engagement[ii].Social Media Engagement is Key (For Some Generations)
Over the last decade, social media has completely shifted and transformed the way we communicate with one another. Believe it or not, both Generation Y and Z are all grown up, and many of them prefer to engage and communicate via social media. Because of this, a significant amount of effort has been put into social media campaigns over the years. Social media plays a key role in nearly every major trend in digital marketing, and has proven to be a rather effective business tool. It provides an avenue for companies to communicate directly with their audiences like never before. With the help of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, sky is the limit for the average consumer. Customers now have the ability to contact major corporations directly via social media and receive a response without ever having to pick up a phone or send an email. They can speak directly with customer service representatives, share videos, participate in online giveaways, share content—you name it. If your target audience has a preference for social media engagement, this presents a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate both consideration and responsiveness to your customers needs and concerns. Companies that approach social media engagement from a holistic perspective and ensure that each blog, video, or web link is posted with intent and purpose will continue to reap its benefits well into the future.Incorporating Live Streaming

CATMEDIA is an award-winning Inc. 500 company based in Atlanta, Georgia. Founded in 1997, the company specializes in advertising, creative services, media production, program management, training, and human resource management. As a Women Owned Small Business (WOSB), CATMEDIA provides world-class customer service and innovative solutions to government and commercial clients. Current CATMEDIA clients include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
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[i]Smith, Spencer X. “HOW SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION CAN BRING CLIENTS TO YOUR WEBSITE.”GPSolo33.6 (Nov/Dec 2016): 34-37. Web. [ii]Fridman, Adam. “The Future of Digital Marketing: How It’s Changing in 2016.” N.p., 5 Dec. 2015. Web.