1. The Rotation Learning Model
This model combines face-to-face instruction and online study time on a fixed schedule or at the instructor’s discretion. A way to integrate this model could be to create e-learning scenarios that provide an opportunity to explore a subject online and then design face-to-face activities that delve deeper into the subject. The face-to-face time can also be used for instructors to assess learners’ knowledge acquisition and retention. With this model, most learning activities occur in a classroom setting.- Station Rotation– Training takes place solely in a physical classroom or group of classrooms. A learner rotates through all of the stations.
- Individual Rotation-The learner has an algorithm or instructor designed customized list of stations that he or she may experience, which may or may not involve all of the stations, or the order in which the learner visits the stations may differ.
- Lab Rotation-Learners rotate to a computer lab for the online portion of their training. They can participate in online scenarios, simulations, and assessments that augment their training.
- Flipped Classroom-Learners complete group projects, or assessments online, and then come in for periodic face-to-face instruction. This is often ideal for complex subject matters that can be explored more effectively through in-person demonstrations or discussions.
2. The Flex Model
This model primarily focuses on online instruction, and only small groups or specific learners have access to face-to-face instruction. The instructor can offer face-to-face support/structure for learners who may need support, or regularly schedule group sessions with learners who require additional assistance.3. The A La Carte Model
This model involves only online instruction or may supplement instruction that learners receive in a classroom environment. The instructor may record videos or audio lectures, and offer online support to learners via forums, email, or instant messages. This reduces costs since the instructor does not need to be physically present.4. The Enriched Virtual Learning Model
This model is centered on face-to-face instruction and supplemented by online tools and resources after the instructor-led sessions are completed. The instructor may offer online material to the learners such as links to informative videos or sites they might find useful. Learners can use these resources to learn more about the topic on their own. So, if you want to offer the best to your learners, consider blendin
[1] Friesen, N. 2012 “Defining Blended Learning.”Learning Spaces, August. http://learningspaces.org/papers/Defining_Blended_Learning_NF.pdf [2] Proof Points: Blended Learning Success in School Districts Spokane Public Schools, http://www.christenseninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Spokane-Public-Schools.pdfABOUT CATMEDIA:
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